| Musikstudio Ohrpheo

Anett Lau and Biliana Voutchkova - Opening of Festival EnCounterpoints - 10 years of Ohrpheo Music Studio

An installation by Anett Lau

Anett Lau, Installations
Biliana Voutchkova, Violin

Exhibition opening with works by Anett Lau and improvisations by Biliana Voutchkova.

Admission free, donations welcome

Musikstudio Ohrpheo
10405 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 250 48 799

On 9.05.2019 the Musikstudio Ohrpheo Berlin celebrates its tenth anniversary! For this reason we are organizing this year the four-day festival EnCounterpoints 2019 under the motto Trans-lation-scription-mission.

Ohrpheo's birthday evening on 9.05.2019 begins with a welcome reception and some short introductions. After this the violinist and performer Biliana Voutchkova will improvise to ornamental paintings and sculptures by Anett Lau. The impulses triggered by Annet Lau's paintings and installations are "translated" into the language of music.

The events are sponsored by the Pankow District Office.

Anett Lau - portrait photo

Anett Lau

Ornament - Muster - Raum sind mein künstlerischer Schwerpunkt. - Mich interessieren die Gefüge, nach denen Räume strukturiert, geordnet, geschmückt und funktionalisiert werden. Dazu suche ich Spuren menschlicher Tätigkeiten, die sich als Handlunsgsmuster im Raum abbilden. Vorhandene oder aufgefundene Räume mit ihren Begrenzungen befrage ich mit den künstlerischen Mitteln der Ideenkunst/ explorativ nach den Vorstellungen, die Menschen mit diesem Ort verbinden Mein Ziel ist es, die bestehenden „Handlungsmuster“ des Ortes nach den Vorstellungen der Protagonisten zu verändern. Gefundene Materialien, wie zum Beispiel Tapeten und Formulare werden zu einer Matrix, die ich als Ausdruck menschlicher Ordnung empfinde. Ich überzeichne, collagiere oder schneide und bedrucke diese vorhandenen Muster und Ornamente und installiere sie im Raum.

Ornament - Pattern - Space are my artistic focus. - I am interested in the structures according to which spaces are structured, arranged, decorated and functionalised. For this purpose I look for traces of human activities that are represented as patterns of action in space. Existing or found spaces with their limitations are questioned with the artistic means of the art of ideas/explorative according to the ideas that connect people with this place. My goal is to change the existing "action patterns" of the place according to the ideas of the protagonists. Found materials, such as wallpaper and forms, become a matrix that I perceive as an expression of human order. I overdraw, collage or cut and print these existing patterns and ornaments and install them in the space.

(Translated from German into English by DeepL)


Biliana Voutchkova, violin

About Biliana Voutchkova

The violinist, composer, performer and improviser Biliana Voutchkova lives in Berlin and performs at festivals and concert series all over the world. She collaborates with the Duo Voutchkova/Thieke, the Splitter Orchestra, the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop, the Ensemble Modern as well as the ensembles United Berlin and Zeitkratzer.

Biliana is an artist with a very strong individual voice. She interprets, composes and improvises mainly in the fields of new music, dance, theatre and experimental sound and movement projects.

Biliana has performed at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Klangspuren Schwaz Festival, Transmediale, Radar Festival, Klangwerkstatt, Documenta14 and Wien Modern. A solo tour took her to Colombia and Chile. She has also performed with the Berliner Ensemble and the performance collective She She Pop. Her solo album "Modus of Raw" and her current triplet "Blurred Music" were recorded with great applause.

Biliana was a composition fellow of the Berlin Senate and was supported by the INM Berlin and the Trust for Mutual Understanding in New York.


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Artistic direction and curation of the festival: Andreas F. Staffel

Das Musikkonzert von EnCounterpoints 2022 wird gefördert vom Bezirksamt Pankow